Scoliosis is not a disease, but an abnormal curving of the spine. Your Spine is your backbone; it runs straight down through your back. Everyone’s spine naturally curves a tiny bit, but people with scoliosis have a deformed spine. When Scoliosis Occurs, the spine can curve in one of these three ways:
• The spine that curve to the side as a single curve to the left (Shaped like the letter C) called Levoscoliosis.
• The spine that curve to the side as a single curve to the right (Shaped like a backwards letter C) called Dextroscoliosis
• The spine that has two curves. (Shaped like the letter S)
Some adults who have scoliosis might not feel the back pain. In most cases where back pain is present, it is hard to know whether scoliosis is the cause or not. But if scoliosis in an adult gets worse and becomes severe, it can cause back pain and difficulty breathing.
The most common symptom of scoliosis is an abnormal curve of the spine. Often this is a mild change and maybe first noticed by a friend or family member. The change in the curve of the spine typically occurs very slowly so it is easy to miss until it become more severe. It can also be found on a routine school screening examination for scoliosis. Those affected may notice that their clothes do not fit as they did previously or that pants legs are longer on one side, and not another.
What are the signs of Scoliosis?
1. One shoulder maybe higher than the other.
2. One Scapula (Shoulder blade) may be higher or more prominent than the other
3. With the arms hanging loosely at the side, there may be more space between the arm and the body on one side
4. One hip may appear to be higher or more prominent than the other
5. The head may not be exactly centered over the pelvis.
6. The waist may be flattened on one side; skin creases may be present on one side of the waist.
7. When the patient is examined from the pear and asked to bend forward until the spine is horizontal, one side of the back may appear higher than the other
This test, Adams test, is a very sensitive test for scoliosis; it is therefore the more frequent screening test for scoliosis.
Treatment Options
• Rainbow Arokayal Holistic Longevity Clinic
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