Our physiotherapist will gently press and stretch important muscles around frontalis and temporalis areas to release stiffness, drive away wastes and increase oxygen circulation. The treatment must be done by a physiotherapist only as these muscles are small and thin, thus sensitive. It may pose risks if it is done by an inexperienced practitioner. The patient will feel relaxed and headache symptoms are reduced. Your mind will feel brighter and fresher.
- Massage all over the body to ease muscle stiffness.
- Use ultrasound wave to treat deep muscles as hand massage may not reach the deep tissues. The heat and frequency from the ultrasound system will relax the muscles and ease the therapy.
- Press sensitive spots which are mostly on the shoulders because most people sit at their desk in a wrong position. The physiotherapist will gently press each spot to prevent chronic pains.
- Use a hot volcanic ore bag to drive away wastes and relax the body.